
A One-Stop SEO Bookmarklet to Quickly Review On-Site SEO

Shortly before Tom Critchlow’s excellent post on using Javascript bookmarklets to help make us more efficient in our jobs as SEOs I had begun work on a bookmarklet that lets me review a variety of on- and off-page SEO factors at a glance without having to leave the page I am looking at.

I wanted something that could quickly tell me how the page title and meta description tags are formatted, how the heading elements are used, and give me access to more external tools for every page I review. Without having to search through the source code.

Tom asked me to share it here, and I assured him I would once it was polished. Well, I’m happy to say that I have now polished it to a point where I feel comfortable sharing it with all of you here at SEOmoz! It has saved me a ton of time already and I hope that it helps you out as well.

Here’s a shot of the bookmarklet in action:

A screenshot of the SEO Bookmarklet in action

Install It

Just drag this bookmarklet to your bookmarks bar => SEO

If you want to create it manually you can copy the code below. You will need to create the bookmarklet manually on your iPad, where it is very useful for quickly looking at on-page SEO factors while on the go or sitting in front of a client.

javascript:(function(){var d=document,z=d.createElement(‘scr’+’ipt’),b=d.body;try{if(!b)throw(0);z.setAttribute(‘src’,’’);z.setAttribute(‘id’,’twkmSEOScript’);b.appendChild(z);}catch(e){alert(‘Please wait until the page has loaded.’);}}());

There is also a “Bleeding Edge” version of the SEO Bookmarklet that will receive new features and updates before the “stable” version. You can get more information about installing that one at my blog.

Enjoy the bookmarklet, and let me know in the comments if you have any questions or suggestions.

The Full List of Features

The bookmarklet is broken into four main sections, and each can be hidden or expanded by clicking the title:

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